Were looking back to midwinter when Mat Manning set himself up with night vision and put in a late shift in an attempt to hold back the winter influx of rats. Cold weather is setting in and rats are becoming…
Night vision rat hunting – The Countryman
Tagged with: countryman, equipment, farmyards, fields, fx impact mkii, kit, lamping, lamplight, mat manning, night vision, night vision scopes, rat hunting, rats, scope, winter
Posted in Features, Hunting
Posted in Features, Hunting
The Countryman: ratting by lamplight
Mat Manning goes old school and heads out after the scaly-tails with a spring-powered gun and a scope-mounted lamp. Rat shooting is synonymous with winter evenings, and as the year gradually rolls around it is starting to take up more…
Tagged with: air cylinders, airguns, ammo, countryside, farmyards, gear, gun, hw95k, kit, lamp, lamplight, mat manning, night vision, NV, pellets, pest, pest control, rangemaster sovereign, ratting, shooting, spring, springer, the countryman
Posted in Features
Posted in Features