Upgraded for 2018, the Ledlenser P7 Gun Set now boasts a longer effective range and better battery economy than ever.
The Airgun Show – Night Vision Rat Hunting with NiteSite, plus the Tracer LEDRay F900 Lamping Kit Review
Night shooting season getting into full swing, and this week we’re shooting nocturnal rats with the Nite Site Wolf in R-TEK guise. Heavy rain forces Mat Manning to base his foray inside the farm buildings, where he picks off unsuspecting…
Tagged with: air, air rifle scope mounts, air rifle scope rings, airgun, ambush, ammo, ammunition, Arms, basc, best rifle scope mounts, best rifle scope rings, bushcraft, control, craft, cull, dark, deben, F900, farm, farmyard, field, fieldcraft, finder, Genesis, gun, hunt, Hunter, hunting, kill, kit, lamp, lamping, laser, lazer, LED, manning, mat, match, matt, mounts, MTC, multi, news, night, Nite, pest, Range, rangefinder, rat, ratting, rifle, shoot, Site, sports, Sportsmatch, techniques, tek, tracer, vermin, vision, Wolf
Posted in The Airgun Show
Posted in The Airgun Show
The Airgun Show – shooting crows at the roost, plus Gamo Coyote review and a look at the new Daystate Pulsar
With nesting season just around the corner, we’re thinning out the crows before they get a chance to prey on this spring’s eggs and chicks. Mat Manning heads to the woods, setting up an ambush to target the scavenging corvids…
Tagged with: 4, air, airgun, ambush, attack, backpack, boots, BSA, bull, Bullpup, camouflage, carrion, charged, chick, control, corvid, Coyote, craft, crow, cull, daystate, deben, deer, deerhunter, dusk, egg, electronic, evening, feeder, field, fieldcraft, fledgling, forest, forestry, game, gamo, gloves, grant, gun, hawke, hide, hunt, Hunter, hunting, Jack, jacket, launch, management, manning, mark, mat, matt, MK4, multi, nest, new, night, optic, optics, pcp, pellet, pellets, pest, pheasant, pre, precharged, Pulsar, pup, Pyke, rats, review, rifle, roost, roosting, shoot, shooting, shot, sight, sights, sunset, target, telescopic, test, tree, Trousers, twilight, winter, woodland, woods
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Posted in News