The squirrel cull continues and we’re up early to ambush the bushy-tails as they venture out for breakfast. Watch as Mat Manning sets up a hide to target greedy squirrels as they home in on a maize feeder. After the…
The Airgun Show – shooting crows at the roost, plus Gamo Coyote review and a look at the new Daystate Pulsar
With nesting season just around the corner, we’re thinning out the crows before they get a chance to prey on this spring’s eggs and chicks. Mat Manning heads to the woods, setting up an ambush to target the scavenging corvids…
Tagged with: 4, air, airgun, ambush, attack, backpack, boots, BSA, bull, Bullpup, camouflage, carrion, charged, chick, control, corvid, Coyote, craft, crow, cull, daystate, deben, deer, deerhunter, dusk, egg, electronic, evening, feeder, field, fieldcraft, fledgling, forest, forestry, game, gamo, gloves, grant, gun, hawke, hide, hunt, Hunter, hunting, Jack, jacket, launch, management, manning, mark, mat, matt, MK4, multi, nest, new, night, optic, optics, pcp, pellet, pellets, pest, pheasant, pre, precharged, Pulsar, pup, Pyke, rats, review, rifle, roost, roosting, shoot, shooting, shot, sight, sights, sunset, target, telescopic, test, tree, Trousers, twilight, winter, woodland, woods
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Posted in News
The Airgun Show – winter woodland squirrel shoot, plus how to cook curried rabbit pasties
Grey squirrel control is making headlines, and we’re heading out on a cull of our own in woodland where the bushy-tails are causing problems. Mat Manning waits in ambush as the greedy squirrels home in to attack pheasant feeders, and…
Tagged with: 4, air, airgun, ambush, attack, backpack, bipod, boots, camouflage, charged, control, cook, cookery, cooking, corn, craft, cull, curried, curry, daystate, deben, deer, deerhunter, feeder, field, fieldcraft, forest, forestry, game, gloves, grain, grant, grey, gun, hawke, hide, hunt, Hunter, hunting, Jack, jacket, management, manning, mark, mat, matt, meat, MK4, optic, optics, pasties, pasty, pcp, pellet, pellets, pest, pheasant, pre, precharged, Pyke, rabbit, rats, recipe, review, rifle, roe, shoot, shooting, sight, sights, squirrel, squirrels, target, telescopic, test, tree, Trousers, winter, woodland, woods
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