Pellet Test: Power-Force Field

Chris Wheeler finds out whether the lightweight Power-Force Field meets the needs of Field Target shooters, with the help of an Air Arms S200…

Is the force with you? Chris tests the Power-Force pellets with his Air Arms S200

Key Specs

Pellet name: Power-Force Field
Distributor: Henry Krank (
Type: Domed
Calibre Tested: .22 (5.52mm)
Advertised weight: 14 grains
Average weight: 13.72 grains
Use: Field Target shooting
Supplied in: Tub of 250
RRP: £3.60

Power-Force pellets have been made in Serbia since 2001; we thought it was time to look at the Field variety in .22, which come in a screw-top plastic tub, nominally containing 250 pellets, for £3.60. While the ‘Field’ name may lead you to believe it’s a hunting pellet, Power-Force manufacturer PR Production is marketing this pellet for Field Target use.

The 248 pellets in the review tub were in excellent shape, being cleanly made and brightly finished, and there was a thin layer of protective foam on the top and bottom of the tub. The Field pellets are of a standard diabolo shape and show slight seams down the skirts; these deformed easily under the ‘pinch test’, indicating a soft lead alloy has been used. Head size is advertised at 5.52mm, but I was unable to confirm that. P-F Fields are marked as being 14 grains, and the standard sample of 50 weighed pellets varied from 13.62gr to 13.78gr, with a mean of 13.72gr. While this is under the advertised weight, it displays a variation of just 0.16gr, which is well within the manufacturer’s stated aim of plus or minus 5% and shows good consistency.

Weight was pretty consistent across the sample


Our test day began hot and still, but a breeze had sprung up by the time the test was under way – a relief for me, but not the best for the test. All shots were aimed at the centre of the target during this test, with no attempt to correct for wind. 10 shots were taken per target.

The first task was to choose which rifle would do this test justice. I had on hand BSA cold hammer-forged Lothar Walther and Weihrauch barrels to try; it was soon clear that the Power-Force pellets preferred the Lothar Walther in my Air Arms S200.

Comparisons of 20, 30 and 40 yards. The Field offers great value, but for real accuracy you may need to tone down the range (Note: each target is approx size of a 2 pence piece)


My Combro cb-625 Mk4 showed 580 feet per second at the muzzle. At 20 yards, the P-F Fields were a match for the S200’s preferred diet of JSB Exact Diabolos, tearing a ragged hole from 12mm up to 24mm above the centre line. At 30 yards, with a right-to-left breeze rising, the pellets seemed to lift a little, bringing the group to a tolerable 18mm centre-to-centre, but just left of the 20mm green bull on the target.

It didn’t take long to see that this wasn’t going to be a long-range performer, with the first pellet to land at 40 yards striking 54mm below centre, and the second 36mm above that. The rest of the group, which impacted around 40mm below the central spot – lower than might be expected for a light pellet.

At 20 yards, the P-F Fields were a match for the S200’s preferred diet of JSB Exact Diabolos


With no chronograph downrange, it is not possible to report on energy retention, but the drop at 40 yards tells its own story. You could easily compensate for the drop, but the way it drifted in the slight breeze would give me concerns about using it at more than 35 yards.

Verdict: 80/100

Quality: 18
Muzzle Velocity: 18
Accuracy: 17
Suitability: 10

“In the Air Arms S200 test rifle, the Power-Force Field failed to meet Field Target levels of accuracy; but there aren’t many domed pellets at this end of the weight range. For anyone seeking a flatter-shooting projectile, these are worth trying. If they suit your rifle, you could be onto a winner. The Field is a value-for-money general-purpose pellet that just falls short of its maker’s aspirations”

This article originally appeared in the issue 99 of Airgun Shooter magazine. For more great content like this, subscribe today at our secure online store

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