We put the ATN X-Sight II day and night scope through its paces during a rat shooting session on the farm. Mat Manning combines the night vision unit with the Brocock Compatto, and kicks off by bagging a couple of…
The Airgun Show – Day and night rat hunting with the ATN X-Sight II, PLUS the Cometa Orion SPR on test
Tagged with: 2, accuracy, air, air rifle scope mounts, air rifle scope rings, airgun, ATN, basc, best rifle scope mounts, best rifle scope rings, Brocock, bushcraft, Cometa, compatto, control, craft, cull, dark, digital, field, fieldcraft, gun, hunt, Hunter, hunting, II, illuminator, IR, kill, LED, ledray, manning, mat, match, matt, mounts, news, night, NV, Orion, performance, pest, Primos, rat, ray, recording, review, rifle, scope, scope-cam, shoot, shooting, sight, sports, Sportsmatch, SPR, stick, techniques, test, tracer, trigger, tripod, two, vermin, video, vision, X, X-Sight
Posted in The Airgun Show
Posted in The Airgun Show