First up this week, Mat Manning’s out on his farmyard pest control rounds. He’s got his sights set on collared doves and feral pigeons, and it’s clear to see that the birds have been busy breeding. We’ve got a news…
The Airgun Show – farmyard pest shoot, Air Arms S400 review and Midland Game Fair roundup
Tagged with: accuracy, accurate, air, air rifle scope mounts, air rifle scope rings, airgun, ambush, Arms, bag, basc, best rifle scope mounts, best rifle scope rings, camo, camouflage, carbine, collared, control, craft, cull, daystate, deer, deerhunter, dove, farm, farmyard, feral, field, fieldcraft, gun, hawke, hunt, Hunter, hunting, Huntsman, Jack, jacket, manning, mat, match, matt, mounts, MTC, pcp, pellet, pellets, performance, pest, pigeon, Pyke, Range, Regal, review, rifle, S400, scope, shoot, shooting, sight, sports, Sportsmatch, stalk, target, techniques, telescopic, test, Trousers, vermin, yard
Posted in The Airgun Show
Posted in The Airgun Show